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Sgeul is Seanchas

Mar 3, 2020

Tha an sgeulachd a leanas ag innse mar a stad crodh Shrath Ghlais a bhith leigeil am bainne airson am bleoghainn.  Bhathar a’ creidsinn gur e bana-bhuidsich a’ fuireach gu h-ionadail a chur stad air a’ bhleoghann. Bha diofar dhaoine ag obair gus stad a chur air na bana-bhuisich, a bha a’ nochdadh ann an riochd maighich airson trioblaid adhbharachadh. Bha am fuasgladh a’ tighinn thuca ann an dòigh nach shaoileadh duine sam bith.

This month’s story, told by Ceit Langhorne, is a story belonging to Strathglass which Ceit put together from similar stories that appeared in the TGSI.

The following story tells how the cattle in Strathglass stopped letting their milk.  The community believed that the local witches were responsible, and that they were appearing in the form of hares all around the district to cause havoc. The community worked together to stop them but the solution comes in a way that no one could have anticipated.