Jun 29, 2020
Dàna-Thursan ri Aibideil nan Craobhan – Adventures with the Gaelic Tree Alphabet
Tha an Gille Dubh/Glèidheadair na Coille cho dubhach is e ag ionndrainn nan craobhan is a chuideachd a chaidh am fuadachadh, gu bheil e air a dhachaigh anns a’ choille a thrèigsinn gus suidhe na aonar air barr beinne, a’ fàgail nan àilleagan uile aige aig Sìne, airson a sgeulachd innse is eòlas air bhuannachdan ar craobhan dùthchasach a sgapadh.
An Gille Dubh / The Guardian of the Trees, saddened by the clearing of his beloved trees and people, has left his forest home to sit alone atop the highest mountains, leaving his beautiful, prized possessions to our Storyteller to tell his tale and spread knowledge of the riches of our native trees. An original Scottish forest adventure tale, including Gaelic poetry & referencing the Clearances, the decline of Gaelic and environmental issues.
‘S e sgeul ùr-sgrìobhte e seo air a chruthachadh le Ariel Killick, stèidhichte air aibidil nan craobh is beagan mun Ghille Dubh. This is a fully original story created by Ariel Killick, based on the Gaelic Tree Alphabet & an Gille Dubh/ Glèidheadair na Coille or Black-Haired Lad.
© Ariel Killick 2020 ℗ Ariel Killick 2020.
Gach còir glèidhte – All rights reserved. Chan fhaodar cuid sam bith den phìos seo a ath-nochdadh, a chraobh-sgaoileadh ann an cruth sam bith, no an dòigh sam bith, dealantach no uidheamach no eile, gun chead fhaighinn ro-làimh ann an sgrìobhadh bhon sgeulaiche – Any unauthorised broadcasting, public performance, copying or re-recording will constitute an infringement of copyright.
Barrachd Fiosrachaidh / Further Information on the Gaelic Tree Alphabet: https://forestryandland.gov.scot/learn/trees/tree-resources