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Sgeul is Seanchas

May 14, 2020

Seo dhuibh sgeulachd eachdraidheil à Èirinn air a h-innse le Marcas Mac an Tuairneir.

Bha long Frangach, an Leon XIII, a' seòladh eadar Portland is Corcaigh is chaidh a bhriseadh air na creagan faisg air Caoilte nuair a thàinig stoirm uabhasach.  Cluinnear mun oidhirp ghaisgeil a rinn muinntir Chaoilte gus na seòlaidearan Frangach a shabhladh.

This month we have a historical story from Ireland told by Mark Turner.

A French ship, the Leon XIII, was sailing from Portland to Cork and was driven against the rocks near Quilty in County Clare in the midst of a terrible storm.  The people of Quilty made a heroic effort to save the French sailors in the terrible conditions, risking their own lives during the rescue.