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Sgeul is Seanchas

Mar 19, 2020

Seo dhuibh dà sgeulachd èibhinn a chruthaich Tormod Mac'illeEathain, nach maireann, air an innse le Ruairidh Gray à Uibhist a Deas.

's e 'A' Bhean-Uasal NicÌomhair à Cnoc an t-Soluis air a' Bhac' tiotal a' chiad sgeulachd, sgeulachd mu dheidhinn ban-Leòdhasach a tha a' siubhal gu Tibet gus coinneachadh ri cuideigin sònraichte.

Agus 's e 'Cladh Hàllain' tiotal an dàrna sgeulachd, sgeulachd gaoil eadar Dòmhnall Phàdruig a’ Chnuic agus Peigi Iain Bhig ann an Uibhist a Deas.

This month we have two funny stories, created by the late Norman MacLean, told here by Ruairidh Gray from South Uist.

The first story is 'The noble Mrs MacIver from Cnoc an t-Soluis air a' Bhac', a story about a noblewoman from Lewis who travels to Tibet to meet a special person.

And the second story is 'The Graveyard at Hallan' which is a love story about two sweethearts in South Uist, Dòmhnall Phàdruig a' Chnuic and Peigi Iain Bhig.