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Sgeul is Seanchas

Mar 25, 2022

’S ann aig Na Leòdaich, Clann ’ic Leòid, a bha smachd air Eilean Leòdhais airson iomadh linn. Ach thug an Crùn seilbh air fearrann Leódhais ga na Sìophartaich -Clann ‘ic Choinnich, ann an 1611. Thug Iarla Shìophairt òrdugh gu feumadh na bhuineadh ga cinn-feadha na Leòidich, an cur gu bàs.

A rèir beul aithris na Sìophartaich fhein, agus na tha sgrìobhte chun an latha an diugh, chuir iad às ga cinn-fheadhna na Leòdaich agus na bhuineadh dha. Ach 's e an rud a rèir nam sgeòil seo, saoil na chur?

The Clan MacLeod ruled the Isle of Lewis for many years.  But the Crown gave the lands in Lewis to the Seaforths - the Clan MacKenzie, in 1611.  The Earl of Seaforth ordered that anyone related to the chiefs of the Clan MacLeod should be put to death.

According to the oral history of the MacKenzies, and what is written in the history books, it is said that the MacKenzies extinquished all members of the Clan MacLeod.  But according to this story, did they indeed?